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 who we are 

 we suggest you read the fine print 

Simply put we work our A*%^*#'s off....and we give a S$%&* about our clients.
Media Maison is a full-service, amped-up, around-the-clock creative agency that specializes in public relations & marketing including, today’s
all-important social media component.
We do it all. All the time. And we don’t complain.
Not everybody can handle what we do and definitely not as fast as we do it.
Like we said, we work hard for our clients & expect them to do the same.  We’re honest & established. We deliver on our word & our word is gold.
At Media Maison we're not afraid to tell you that your website is "outdated" or that your packaging needs a "pick-me-up" - only because we want you to be the best. 
We know writing a check for PR is hard and you want results - so we tell you what we think. We care enough about your brand to tell you the truth not just cash your check. 
At Media Maison we successfully bridge a gap most companies can only dream of. We effortlessly blend product development, manufacturing, packaging, branding, product management, public relations, marketing & digital media into one channel.
At Media Maison, we work with A-tier national media outlets, top bloggers and online lifestyle/news sites. We have the sustained &  seasoned connections that clients crave. Media Maison is unlike any other firm out there.
Oh & if you ask us for a "case study" we're not the right firm for you. Powerpoints are pretty but we'd rather give you our client's email & numbers - call them & chat.
We don't "toot our own horn" but every so often the media ask us about our firm. Here's a couple of answers. 
Medium: Ceo Profile, Samantha Martin
Associated Press
New York Times





 what we do 


Tired of being famous in just your hometown? Want to change the world? Have the next mind-blowing "widget"?
Then work with Media Maison.
We’ve helped our clients gain nationwide exposure. And we can help you do that too.
Media Maison is a media specialist. That’s why it’s part of our name. Media is our game, we are one of the best players on the field and we are in this to win it ALL for our clients.
We represent only the most talented and the most original. We bring new brands to life. We revitalize heritage brands that are on life support. We introduce top tier media outlets, web sites and consumers to the next cool thing. We encourage interactive involvement. We create buzz.  We ignite curiosity. We make consumers care enough to spend their hard earned $$.
Our programs come to life in news, lifestyle and entertainment arenas and provide consumers the opportunity to interact with our clients' brands and products via multiple platforms.
We practice personalized public relations–Media Maison has the media relationships that matter (and other firms only dream about).
We know the power of PR and we never miss a story.


 fueled by coffee & chaos 

 another day of outward smiles and inward screams

you don't have to be crazy to work here... we will train you. 

 publicist... because miracle worker isn't a real job title 

 multitasking....listen, ignore and forget at the same time 


 work hard...slay harder 

 when people ask what do you   do?" answer: whatever it   takes! 


Want to work with us? 

If you are a brand looking for a NO BS firm, an employee who wants to join our team or a student who is interested in our Intern program - give us a shout!

We would love to hear from you!


1460 Broadway
New York, NY 10036




1027 Ocean Center
Kowloon, Hong Kong



2517 Route 44
Salt Point NY 12578

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